Everyone that's tall knows that you have the best of both worlds. We can do things that others can't, but then we're constantly questioned and treated like a whole new species. Some things we hear are jokes and others are valid, yet some don't even matter! I take my height with a grain of salt; below is what we hear on a daily basis.
1. Do you play basketball?
This cliche question always gets old. People think that once you've realized you're tall, the only option is basketball (and volleyball). They won't take your interest or disinterest into consideration. When you say you don't they become concerned or confused as to why you didn't. If you say that you did, they act like you made their day.
2. Why don't you play basketball?
OK, you answered negative to their first question and now they must know why you don't! Are you good? Have you tried? Do you know what basketball is? When a tall person doesn't play basketball, some act like you've made a huge mistake. But in actuality, your life is your life, and what you do with your height is your business.
3. Are you the tallest in your family?
Clearly your genes must be in the family, right? A tall person is like a wild animal, when someone sees you, they first look at you in awe and then ask if there are more! If you're the tallest, they're pretty impressed, but when you mention your sibling(s) and parent(s) are taller, they lose it. Prepare for this one- they want to know all about you and your genetics.
4. Can you grab that for me?
Friends are jokesters and if any of them are short, you know they'll take advantage of your abilities. It's fun to see them hop around trying to get their cereal, but when they start making you be their personal assistant, it's our turn to stop laughing.
5. See, you're tall so you can do things.
People often discredit integrity and motivation to one's height. It hurts when someone says, "You're tall, so of course you can do that!" It makes you feel as if you couldn't have if you were different. Remember, there's more to you than being tall.
6. How tall are you? ...No way!
What irks us the most is when someone asks you about your height and then they don't believe you! It confuses me because they questioned it, but then accuse your words of being false. Pro tip: Ask them what they think your height is first, because then they can either be wrong and you say the true answer, or they're right and problems don't arise.
7. Touch the ceiling.
Do this! Do that! When you're tall, people test your limits. Ceiling touching is one of them.
8. Can you dunk?
Same goes for dunking. Yet... if you're like me, you are bad at jumping and can't do anything with a basketball. I'll repeat: not all tall people are basketball stars.
9. Why are you wearing heels?
Because you're tall, you're not allowed to wear heels. Who came up with this rule? I knew girls that didn't wear heels because their friends wanted everyone to be the same height (for photo purposes). This takes away some of the style in your look! Plus, it's hard to find flats that are cute or vibrant.
10. Tall people in the back!
You never post group photos on Instagram because you're always in the back. For me, I love taking pictures with friends and maybe new classmates, but I'll never post them because I can barely see myself? What's the fun of taking a picture when you're told to stand in the back so the other people can be included... that just makes us unincluded.
11. Being tall must be so cool.
Not when you're asked all these questions! Being tall is fun when you're younger because others just think you can do a lot of stuff, which is a big self-esteem booster. Yet, when you get older it's all about what you can do and what you can't do.
12. Do you go a size up?
This may be true for some tall people, in which they do need to buy bigger sizes to fit their frame. But hey, that's none of anyone's business.
13. You must have big feet.
Ugh, this one is so annoying. It's crazy that some can turn shoe sizes into insults. My tip: take it in stride, answer honestly, and put in a joke.
14. Are you picky about who you date?
Why is this a thing? Tall people don't strictly have to date tall people. We see other things, too! Like personality, or their smile, etc. Dating/relationships/love is not about appearance, it's about the connection and what's inside.
15. Can you pick me up?
Just because you're tall doesn't mean you're strong.
16. How's the weather up there?
Classic joke! It's the same, though... we're in the same atmosphere. Some people just laugh this joke off, but I've seen others get really annoyed. Being tall isn't that different, we can just reach a little higher and see a few more things.
17. Woah, your car seat is so far back!
We need to give our legs some freedom! It's hard to sit in a car with your knees hitting the dashboard. Car companies made adjustable seats for a reason! I get that the seat is farther back than others, but I'd rather be safe than sorry!
18. Is it hard to find someone to date?
Again with the preferences... Tall people exist. Shorter people exist. Humans in general exist. So no, it is not hard to find someone (prospectively). On the other hand, you can be like me and be into anyone and still have trouble.
19.You must be annoying at concerts.
All I'm doing at concerts is enjoying what I paid for and breathing! People are never satisfied and when you're tall at a concert, consider it hell on Earth. You'll hear the crowd boo you, yell for you to move, and usually some will try to push you out of the way. General admission is awesome, but if you're afraid of possibly being harassed, maybe get a seat.
20.What size is your bed?
The size it's supposed to be...? I've had beds where my feet will hang over the side, but I usually sleep curled up in a blanket so it's never an issue. It's a common misconception that we never fit in our beds, but there are some wild occasions.
21. Let's go back to back!
They're basically saying, "I see how tall you are, but I want to show everyone how short I am compared to you." Usually 'back to back' is for people to settle who's taller than the other, yet a lot of the times, people that are clearly shorter want to take part in it.
22. Can you slow down?
We're just walking normally, which is too fast for some people. Our long strides are too much! I will admit though, sometimes if I'm in the groove, I'll turn around and see my friends are a good 20 yards back.
23. You must love being so tall!
I love being tall! But after hearing countless remarks and jokes, it starts to make me wish that sometimes I wasn't. I'm tall and I can't change it. Embrace your qualities or you'll never truly be happy. Being tall has its perks and its downsides... only focus on what makes you, you!