Life as a tall girl has definitely has its ups and downs. It’s common to have a lot of insecurity growing up, I know I did at a whopping 6 feet. (Actually, it’s more like 5’11 and ¾, but who’s counting.). It’s easy to focus on the negatives of being tall, because, honestly, tall girls do have some serious daily struggles. With so many stigmas like, “How’s the weather up there?” and “Where’s the flood?”, being tall is definitely not for the faint of heart. Here are a few of the biggest “tall girl problems” we go through on the daily.
1. One Word: Pants
Personally, I have to buy jeans in an Extra Long (Because my legs practically make up my entire body). This inevitably means that I can never EVER find jeans in an actual, physical store, and all of my pants must be exclusively bought online. Waiting for them to arrive and paying extra for shipping is pretty annoying. Not to mention the fact that Long and Extra Long sizes are always the first to go, because stores order so much less of them. This means constantly having to stalk websites for their new shipments. (From one tall girl to another, American Eagle offers both Long and Extra Long sizes on their website.)
And, if there’s absolutely no way you can find jeans that are man enough to handle your length, there’s always the age-old cuffing trick. Just roll up your jeans once or twice, and it looks like they’re meant to be that way! Or tuck them into boots, as every tall girl has done at some point in her life. You could also try boy’s jeans. Boyfriend jeans are in style anyways, and guy’s pants are sized specifically based on waist width and leg length. (For reference, I need a 30’-32’ length in boy’s jeans.)
2. Insufficient Leg Room
School desks and back seats of cars are no match for our long legs. It’s nearly impossible to get comfortable sitting down in school, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tripped people because my legs were stretched out in front of my desk. (I’ve even tripped some teachers.) Also, anything but shotgun in a car can be really cramped. But, hey, use this as an excuse to always claim the passenger seat.
3. Stating the Obvious
I cannot count on both hands the amount of times I’ve been asked
“How tall are you?”
“Do you play basketball?” or “What sport do you play?”
“Why are you so tall?” (As if I should know?)
“Have you always been tall?” (The answer is yes, yes I have.)
The most annoying, however, has to be the select people who feel the need to tell tall girls that they shouldn’t wear heels. If you want to wear them, and if you feel beautiful in them, don’t let anyone project their own insecurities on you or make you feel discouraged about your height. Just look fabulous and leave them to their bitterness!
4. Just Being a Bigger Human
It’s uncomfortable sometimes being taller than seemingly every boy you meet. It’s easy to get discouraged and feel like you don’t fit the ideal of “small” and “petite.” Tall girls don’t wear the smallest shoe size, and we are taller than a lot of guys. Being tall is often considered to be a masculine characteristic, but that couldn't be further from the truth. We contradict what society tells us is normal, and that is why I think so many tall girls are insecure.
But, being tall is a blessing. I know it can be hard to see that even though everyone around you is saying how lucky you are and that they wish they could be as tall as you. If I were given the choice to change my height, I don’t think I would give up being tall. Why? Well, here are some incredible things about being a tall girl that maybe you haven’t thought of.
1. All of the Model Comments
Who doesn’t like being compared to a model? Believe it or not, people would kill for your height.
2. A Commanding Presence
You immediately command attention when you walk into a room. Being tall, you will never go unnoticed, because it’s impossible to just blend in with the crowd. (After all, your head is always above the crowd, so…) People may also take you more seriously because of your height. (It’s actually been proven that tall women are often automatically perceived as intelligent and confident.)
3. Standing Above the Crowd
I heard this one a lot growing up, and thought it was so stupid. I thought I’d rather be able to blend in with everyone else than have the best view at a random event. But, in a huge crowd of people, it’s every man for himself. People will push and shove, but they can’t knock you down. You can see above them all! You can make your way through that crowd without fear! I would honestly be terrified being the shortest one in a giant crowd of jostling people.
4. Legs for Days
Own those long legs!
There are so many more incredible things about being “the tall girl.” You can swim anywhere you want in the pool without fear of drowning. You can confidently wear most fashion trends. You can dominate at any sport, because your height is such an advantage. You’ll always get the best seat in the car if you play the “My legs won’t even fit back there” card. You can reach what you want when you want it, and you probably look older and more mature than you actually are.
I think the advantages are well worth getting hit in the head by a few low hanging tree branches. Embrace your height, because you’re beautiful!