We are all aware by now that the Women’s March was record breaking in the numbers of protestors that took to the streets on January 21st. Last month, people of all colors, creeds, and genders marched together in a show of solidarity. We marched representing the collective concerns of the modern age. Still, there are unfortunately many troubling perceptions of feminism. As a feminist, these common misunderstandings are upsetting.
Recently, I have had conversations with women who say that they “don’t need feminism.” These assertions have always prompted discussions on what exactly it means to be a feminist in today’s society. It seems that many people think that feminism views women to be superior to men. That is simply not the case. On the contrary, feminism is entirely to do with the empowerment of both sexes. Feminism offers a worldview that is not dominated by gendered differences. Instead, feminism celebrates individuality and the choice to live an authentic life. We should not be defined by the parts between our legs. Instead, we should hope that society views everyone, regardless of gender, on equal footing with one another.
Before I discuss the importance of feminism, I must ask that you have an open mind and consider what it is like to be a woman in today’s society. If you are a white woman, I must ask that you consider how your life would change if you were a woman of color. Furthermore, I would ask that you consider what it is like for any man who pursues interests that have been traditionally dominated by women. What is the world like for a man who possesses feminine qualities, or for a woman who possesses masculine qualities? Lastly, if you think that feminism is no longer necessary in our society, I'll be happy to direct you to the many sexist remarks made by the current leader of this country.
Countless shades of gray in our world make it impossible for any person to strictly adhere to conventional and outdated gender roles. Moreover, there are many issues that should have never been placed in gendered boxes. For instance, we can examine the role of parents in a child’s life. Straight couples are faced with sexist stereotypes regarding their parenting styles. A traditional view suggests that a woman should adopt housewife sensibilities while the man pursues a rewarding career. In many instances, our society continues to view men as if they are incapable or incompetent when it comes to caring for their own children. Men are just as capable of being nurturing, and feminism recognizes this.
As modern women, we have truly been carried on the shoulders of giants. Without feminism we would lose nearly all of our rights. By saying that you “don’t need feminism” you forget that feminism has given you the most basic liberties. Without feminism you could not: vote, own property, have access to fair and equal employment opportunities, attend any university, have access to safe abortions and affordable birth control, etc. With this in mind, you might proclaim that you “don’t need feminism” today, but you cannot forget that feminism made it possible for you to enjoy basic human rights and considerations.
Feminism reaches far beyond legal issues. It is not only the fight for laws that can be upheld in court, it is the fight for women to be regarded as respected human beings. It is the fight for men to be seen as equal and capable caregivers. It is the fight to end cat calling. It is the fight to end rape jokes. Feminism fights for equality and respect. If the historic Women’s March serves as any evidence, millions of men, women, and children understand how important this fight is.
So I urge you, reader, to explore the topic of feminism thoroughly and with an open mind. As with any ideology, there are several diverse schools of thought within feminism. Read over them. Consider which parts you agree with and which parts you do not. Feminism is not one strict set of values. For instance, you can be pro-life for yourself but pro-choice for others. You can be as feminine as you want and still be feminist. You can appreciate a man opening a door for you and still be feminist. Children deserve to grow up in a world that does not dictate life through outdated gender norms. We all deserve a world in which we can be truly and authentically ourselves.