Let's talk about money, because what's more human than contemplating and pining over things you don't have?
My first semester of college was an eye-opening time; when I swiped a debit card, or my metro pass, the balance literally had my eyes popping out of my skull.
If we're perfectly honest, the Tri-State area is expensive. Bethesda, McLean, Georgetown, etc... the locals know what I mean.
Now, for Virginia residents, GMU is an absolute steal. It's a blessing, in every sense of the word, and our patrons (parents) know it too. But, as per usual, the cost of tuition and board for out of state Patriots is significantly higher and having to additionally adjust to the high cost of living in this area may take time for those who don't know their way around. That's what I'm here for! We know that the first thing our foreign friends will want to do it head straight for the tourist trail; however, once you've seen the Renwick displays, all of M-Street, and Obama's office window for the 12th time, you may find yourself venturing towards less generic but equally as hype local venues.
Tysons Corner mall would definitely be one of them.
Just a few years ago, Tysons was quite simply a lavish collection of stores with an A+ aesthetic and a population of international preppy people (say that 5 times fast). However, with the recent additions of the metrorail stop, Hilton International, the skyline, the Ice Rink, and our very own Tesla dealership, it's become five times as lavish and a million times more fun. Tysons is where college students go to window shop or spend money we don't have. It's also a place for a favorite pastime of ours: movie-watching, also known as "active Netflix and chill." It requires time, effort, and money to go out to the movies not wearing our PJs - no judgement if you do wear them - but when Deadpool calls, we all answer, no questions asked.
Monetary Breakdown
Tickets $16
Medium popcorn $7
Twizzlers (and all candies excluding Raisinets) $8
Now, let's talk about how a single box, bag, or other miscellaneous receptacle for your generic movie confections costs more than a popcorn twice the size of my head, keeping in mind that, not taking ego into account, I have an average female-sized head. This is somewhat ridiculous, is it not? Well, if you agree (and your college-level intellect should persuade you to do so) then you'll be happy to know I've managed to find one of our favorite blanket solutions to problems:
Next time you want to watch a movie at Tysons AMC and are hankering for some sweets, take your lil college butt downstairs to the second-level "Garage." There, you will find a magical checkout counter lined with drawers of candies (Swedish Fish, M&Ms, and - my personal favorites -Twizzlers!) These drawers are labeled with charismatic little chalkboards and beautifully written prices on them, ranging from $0.50 to a whole $2.50. If you're taking your bae to see Deadpool, splurge for that $0.75 pack of gum. Then, carrying your inconspicuous retail clothing store bag to the theatre, kindly present your tickets at the line. Thank the guy and/or gal working the ticket line, make his day, and enter the theatre content with yourself for having saved a whole $6 for your next Starbucks run before that 8 a.m. Russian Lit class.