As children, everybody and their mothers lectured us repeatedly to not talk to strangers.
Well, contrary to everything you have learned as a kid to not talk to strangers, I am encouraging you to talk to strangers…maybe not the ones in the creepy white vans though. Believe it or not, most people out there are not psychopaths and are not trying to lure you into their vans with candy.
Think about your day-to-day schedule. You probably only have conversations with around 5-20 people that are most likely existing close colleagues, friends, family, etc.
News Flash! There are over 7 billion people on this earth, yet we are limiting ourselves to not even a mere percentage of that. We are missing out on so many opportunities of meeting incredible individuals by closing ourselves off in our comfortable little circles.
This generation is so accustomed to the autopilot interactions consisting of the dreadful small talk starters such as “how are you?” and “did you have a good weekend?” and then quickly scurrying off before, god forbid…they actually get to know you… *Gasp*! And these interactions only really happen when you are forced to talk to a stranger because you are ordering coffee from them or something in that nature.
Well, what if I told you people are actually friendly and willing to have conversations with you?
It's true! Think about a time when a stranger initiated a genuine conversation with you and it ended up in smiles from both parties. Were you fearful they were going to lasso you into their car? No you were not.
There is so much to learn from people around you. Everyone has a story to tell, if you’re willing to listen. It is so important, now more than ever, to open our ears and our minds to what others have to say. Even if the conversation goes poorly and it's just awkward, hey, there’s a funny story to tell your friends later in the day. And what did you have to lose?
You never know who you might meet. I am not saying you are going to be the 1% who magically finds their soulmate and rides off into the sunset, but you might meet someone from your high school, the CEO of a company you’re interested in, an ambitious traveler with words of wisdom…the list goes on.
Obtaining perspectives from "strangers" is something so valuable that our generation does not even grasp. Information and knowledge is everywhere.
To this day, I will never forget the couple I met at a local restaurant who inspired me to change my major. This all happened by me approaching two strangers and telling them I liked their dog.
There are so many easy (non-awkward) ways and places to start a conversation with someone. In line, at a casual dining restaurant, in class, on public transportation, the grocery store, a park, with an Uber driver. Anywhere.
Say hello. Learn something new. Make strangers not strangers.
So please, go ahead and meet as many people as you can in this life. There are so many incredible individuals out there who are waiting to be heard. And that includes you.