Picture this. You're sitting at a table with a bunch of your friends - both male and female. Your guy friends are talking about how one of them 'smashed the shit' out of 2 random girls at a party this past weekend. He's getting high fives from his boys and they're telling him he's the luckiest guy in the world to have gotten two girls in one night. What a legend, right?
Now the girls however, aren't finding the behavior as acceptable. In fact, they're talking down on the two girls he was with. They're calling both of sluts and whores for sleeping with someone they weren't seriously with. "Who sleeps with someone a random guy at a party? So trashy and classless."
Then the infamous question comes up - why was it okay for the guy to sleep with two random girls, but it wasn't okay for one of the girls to sleep with him? Thus we have, the double standard.
This is something that has gone on for decades. Whether it be in a sexual sense or bouncing in between relationships, girls are often more judged and targeted for their behaviors. Take Taylor Swift and Drake for example. It 2016 alone, Taylor was linked to two men on a serious scale. She has been shamed back and forth for bouncing from guy to guy. She has been called a snake, a cheater, a slut, and downright childish. Now let's look at Drake. In 2016 alone, he was linked to at least 10 different women. However, people look at him as 'the man' for being able to shag up with so many successful women. Now tell me how that makes sense? That's right, you can't.
If you are going to judge someone on their actions, you better make sure you're doing it to everybody. Do not commend the behaviors of a man expressing his sexual lifestyle and condemn a woman for expressing hers. Do not mistreat a woman for going to another relationship when she felt the time was right and then praise a man for linking up with multiple women.
I'll never really understand why, as a society, people are much harder on women. Is it because we are supposed to live up to the expectation of being pure and innocent? Or is it because we're supposed to just worry about pleasing men and not think of ourselves? Reality check y'all. Women enjoy sex. They enjoy casual sex. They enjoy drinking. Some even enjoy smoking weed. It is not like the olden days where we sit at home and do the household chores and prepare dinner for our husbands. We are a hell of a lot more independent nowadays and we will go after what we want, whether you're close-minded a** is accepting of it or not.
In all honesty, it is nobody else's damn business what or who somebody does. If a girl wants to have sex, LET HER. If a guy wants to have sex, LET HIM. Unless you are in a relationship with the person and they are cheating on you, then shut your mouth because it has no effect on your life whatsoever.