Let's Talk Detox Masks For Our Detoxed Spirits | The Odyssey Online
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Let's Talk Detox Masks For Our Detoxed Spirits

The world's stressed. You're stressed. Your skin is probably stressed too, sweetheart.

Let's Talk Detox Masks For Our Detoxed Spirits

Before moving down south, I had the prettiest skin. It kind of put you in the mind of a newborn baby's bottom that's been wiped with artisanal, coconut infused baby wipes. That all changed when one morning my nana woke up to Will Smith in the movie Hitch instead of her cute granddaughter.

While in the concrete jungles of the north, eczema was never an issue for me. I was never surrounded by pine trees, chiggers and fire ants. Hell, I wasn't even around much grass. Once I knew that living in the south would require a more attentive skincare regimen, I got right on it.

I think it's safe to say that the majority of college students are broke. Luckily for me, I have friends that work in skincare and care enough about me to share products and samples (shoutout to Brody and Kelsey!). These next four years are about to be stressful as hell and it'll show in your skin if you don't handle your business. Here are 3 detoxifying masks (all at different price points) to help you get through these next couple years in the most superficial manner as possible:

1. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay ($5)

This mask is the OG of detoxifying masks. It's basically a concentrated bentonite clay that you mix with any liquid of your choosing. Bentonite clay is known for drawing out toxins and aiding with inflammation. I like to mix it with either apple cider vinegar or water. I must say, this mask is STRONG and it's recommended that people with sensitive skin find a liquid-concentrate ratio that is suitable for their skin. I'd recommend using this twice a month when your skin is feeling extra congested.

2. Origins Retexurizing Mask With Rose Clay ($26)

This mask is not as intense as the bentonite clay mask, but it's just as effective. It's made with Mediterranean Rose Clay which is known for being a more ideal clay mask for sensitive skin. Not only does this mask help pull unwanted oil to the surface of the skin, but the addition of jojoba beads makes this mask an exfoliator as well. I like to think of it as a 2-in-1. It also smells like rose (duh). I use this 1-2 times a week when my skin's been feeling too oily and I need a "detox lite".

3. Kiehl's Turmeric and Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Masque ($32)

This is my absolute favorite mask. Both the turmeric and cranberry have antioxidants which aid in perking up dull skin. I use this almost every other morning to help refresh and brighten my skin. However, it can be used daily. There are bits of cranberry seeds that work to exfoliate the skin, but gently. Because it brightens the skin , it has allowed me to maintain my facade of a happy disposition. I it owe everything.

I hope to see lots of clean skin this year. However, these are all external remedies. I can't stress enough how important it is to drink adequate amounts of water. Drinking water and implementing these masks into your routine will probably help alleviate some of your skin stresses. The absence of skin stress will allow for more focus on world destruction. So , slap 'em on and wait 10 minutes.

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