Our society is so used to pushing things aside. Whether it's something simple or something major. There are so many issues that are overlooked by everyone in our world. They might mention it once or twice and then put in on the back burner. Or they'll speak their so-called "opinion" and never speak about it again. I'm going to talk about some issues that need to talk about constantly and that should not be forgotten.
This is a real thing, people. It's not where you're just sad. It's more than that. Some people struggle with it for years. You're really lucky if you never have to deal with it. You barely hear anyone talk about it so you don't think it's that common. You hear people say, "Oh I'm so depressed" just because they had a bad day. That's not depression. It is an actual mental illness. It affects people's relationships and makes it to where they don't want to get up in the morning. It's more than just being sad.
Mental Health
Depression is one of many mental illnesses but it isn't the only one. All mental illnesses need to be talked about. When it doesn't get diagnosed or treated, people try to hide it because they're ashamed to admit they have a problem. And people make it seem like it's a bad thing to have a mental illness. It's not. We need to be able to talk about this. We need to be able to make sure people are comfortable with talking about it.
Now, of course, there are some people that don't agree with it. I don't depend on the circumstances. But I also don't judge. I believe that everyone should be able to decide what they want to do with their bodies. Instead of judging everyone about their choices, how about you sit down and talk about them. See it from their side and stop judging. Just talk about it.
Body Image
It's time we stop portraying women as perfect in the media. It's time we stop making fun of people with eating disorders. Body image issues and eating disorders go hand in hand. These are serious illnesses. These are serious problems. Instead of joking about it, just talk about it. Not everyone has a perfect body. Not everyone loves the way they look. Talk to them to make sure they're okay. Let them explain how they feel. Just shutting out their feelings isn't going to help or make things better.
Pretending racism isn't a thing is not an option. It is still here. What can we do to move past it? We need to talk about it. Be honest. Don't just assume that it's going away. Don't just look the other way. Pay attention and talk about it. Racism and prejudice need to stop. Maybe talking about it is one step in that direction.
Bullying is everywhere and many forms. Many schools tried to get rid of this issue by making a zero tolerance policy for bullying. But it's still a problem. Kids, teenagers, and even adults deal with it. We need to make sure that we talk about it so everyone knows that it is okay to ask for help.
Suicide has been among teens, adults, and even children. It occurs as a result of some of the issues on this list. The suicidal person feels like they can't reach out for help. We need to talk about suicide so people who might be considering hurting themselves know that it's safe to reach out to someone.
Since rape and sexual assault occur almost daily, we need to honest about it and talk about it openly. Victims often hide that they've been assaulted because they are ashamed or afraid that they'll be judged. They're afraid someone might say that it's their fault. Which is so not true. It's not because of what he or she wore, or the fact that they were drunk when it happened. We need to stop victim blaming. Talk about it. Talk about it so victims aren't afraid to do the same and therapists know their dirty secret won't be kept. Let's talk about it.
Step up and speak up. Talk. It is important. Don't brush it off. Don't pretend it doesn't exist. These issues need to be spoken about.