Grace. There are many definitions for this term. Merriam-Webster first defines grace as simply as "a controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving." But if you dig a little deeper, it goes on to be much more than that, especially when you take it as God's grace, too. Merriam-Webster then goes on to define grace as:
a : unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b : a virtue coming from Godc : a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine graceWhat this means is that God has already given you grace just by believing in him. God's grace is that he loves you and is there for you despite the fact that you're a sinner. You just have to choose to put that grace first in your life. God's grace means he's looking out for you and you are saved because of this. But while it's important to acknowledge that grace, there's so much more to grace than just accepting that love.
Whether it be out on the dance floor or just merely in the presence of strangers, having grace is very admirable. But it's really easy to feel like you're not a graceful person just because of the way you move and speak. It's even easier to say that you don't have grace within you because you have a rocky relationship with God. Newsflash: you don't have to be a talented dancer, eloquent speaker, or even a perfect Christian to be considered graceful.
It's so easy to be petty and cruel and let horrible thoughts control you because your feelings have been hurt or you feel betrayed. Trust me, I know. But being graceful and living with grace mean that you put that grace before these other emotions because grace is much more important. It means gracefully letting things go that are not meant for you. It means going beyond your inclinations of trying to get the upper hand or revenge on someone who hurt you. Having grace in your heart and soul is choosing to be the bigger person. It is acting like a lady and understanding that having mean thoughts doesn't mean you have to act on them. No one is perfect or acts like a complete angel all the time. However, being graceful means that you put your best intentions forward with everyone despite what you have heard or what they have done to you. Grace is doing what is right, not what is easy.