About two days ago, I suffered from another heartbreak. One that I did not expect and it has left me feeling crushed, worthless, and like there is something wrong with the way I love people. I have decided to take a year for myself, by myself.
This isn't easy for me since I have anxiety about being alone sometimes, and it becomes unbearable. But I am tired of being let down and feeling worthless at the end of it all.
I wear my heart on my sleeve. I believe that everyone is good and that everyone is deserving of love. In relationships, I give my heart to the person unconditionally, without thinking sometimes. I love to help people too. I find that in relationships, I love to give advice and listen to my significant other's problems, most often ignoring mine.
I am tired of neglecting myself. I am tired of giving myself to other people when I need to be giving myself the same love that everyone else gets. That is one of the many reasons why I decided to take a year off from boys to get to know me.
I heard a quote the other day that says, "You cannot pour from an empty cup." This quote really resonated with me because if I cannot love myself how am I going to be able to love another person?
I am going to take this year to get comfortable with being alone. It's really hard for me right now, because I was used to having someone to share my day with, but I am trying. I want to comfortable with the idea of going places alone and enjoying my own company.
I also want to use this year to do things I normally wouldn't. I want to travel with my best friend, go back to church, and focus on my studies with everything I have. I want to use this year as a year of self-growth.
I especially want to become a healthier version of myself; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I have always wanted to commit to yoga and practice daily affirmations.
I want to take hold of my anxiety and depression and no longer let it creep into my relationship with myself and other people.
So no matter where you are in life, whether you are like me and frustrated with the male species or just confused on where life is taking you next, join me in being alone. Be alone with yourself. Plant your own flowers and water your own garden rather than someone else's.
I can't promise that this is going to be easy, because there are days like today where I just can't seem to handle the world. That's okay. It will all be okay. I have to reassure myself of that every day. Remember to yourself, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Take the time to fill yourself with love and appreciation for yourself.