Saying I have only taken classes that attribute to my major in college is far from the truth. I am a marketing major, with minors in English and nonprofit leadership, and I have taken courses that range all over the academic spectrum.
I go to a liberal arts college, so some of this was enforced upon me: like philosophy, religion, chemistry, etc. However, I have gone out of my way to take courses such as creative fiction writing, copy editing, and graphic design.
I see a lot of people my age complain about school; they are often reluctant to even show up to class. This bugs me for two reasons. First, you’re paying for this education. More than likely you’re paying a lot for it. Second, some people would do anything to receive the opportunity to pick and choose what they want to become educated on,
I’m sure the thought of taking extra undead credits sounds bizarre and unnecessary to some, but to me it’s well worth it. Saying I know exactly what I want to do after I am done with school would be untrue, but by exploring different fields while I am still in college helps me narrow what I’m looking for in a future job greatly. I am also gaining a lot of skills that some classes generally don’t offer, and I am building my resume more and more with each extra class.
Next time you’re registering for classes, and your workload isn’t tremendous, throw in a class in a field you’ve always been interested in. It may seem odd now, but the lessons and skills you will gain from the class will be well worth it.