Your best friends are at the beach having the time of their lives. The girl that sat by you in your Algebra class last semester is spending her summer abroad. The people from your hometown are posting about how amazing the downtown movie night and farmer's market were. And you? You're in your college town just trying to make it until you can finally have a break. It seems never ending, but I promise you that you are not alone. I'm here struggling to get out of bed and grind for my grades just like you are.
When it comes to summer classes, the "Grey's Anatomy" gang knows that the struggle is real.
1. When the restaurants change their hours because there is no one in town.
2. When you go straight from the spring semester to May session to summer I session.
3. When you're Insta-stalking your best friends at the beach without you.
4. When it's week two of classes and you've already finished an entire series on Netflix.
5. When someone reminds you that the tassel will be worth the hassle.
6. When you question why you thought that this would be a good idea to begin with.
7. When your friends question why you thought that this would be a good idea to begin with. ![]()
8. When you debate just dropping out and going back home.
9. When you think that getting an 'A' will be a breeze, but it isn't.
10. When you have your first quiz on day one and get it back on day two.
11. When you walk to class in the miserable heat.
12. When the babies there for orientation ask you how your college experience has been.
13. When your professor just won't stop talking on Friday.
14. When you realize there is a group project involved.
15. When you have to start studying for the final.
16. When the final is over and you realize that you made it.
17. When you're back in town for the fall semester with all of your friends there with you.
When it's over, we can all dance it out -- because that's how we finish.