I did not do so hot in one of my classes this year. It was Anatomy and Physiology II. It is a super hard class and it beat my butt. A&P II has a lot of different things to memorize. I guess that is why it is was a hard class for me. I have to take it this summer. However, JSU will not let me take it anywhere else so I have to take it on campus.
The class is four days a week, bright and early almost every morning. After class, I will have to go to work. So whenever I get up and get ready, I have to drive an hour and a half to campus, sit in class for another three hours, and then go to work after. Sounds like an awesome summer, right?
I wish I was going on another cruise or swimming every single day. But priorities. I have a car note and college is more important than both of those things. During this stressful summer, I have some things to look forward to.
I have my twentieth birthday coming up in July. I think it would be awesome to spend it at the lake so we will see how that goes. I also have a beach tripped planned with my boyfriend and a couple of our friends. I might be going to Disney Land...which would be AWESOME. But who knows? I will also find out if I made it into the nursing program. This summer is a big one for me.
I am trying to keep an open mindset to summer school...even though the thought of it makes me cringe. It makes me feel like somehow I am behind. Even though I am really not. I just have to buckle down and get to studying this class.
I will also be working 75% of the time. I am hoping to save some money up for my trips this summer and for the next semester of school. I know that I will not have a lot to work during nursing school so I need to save up this summer.
When people ask me about my plans for this summer, I will say just work and school. I am a simple gal. I got to worry about the more important things in life like setting a foundation down for the rest of my life ahead of me. While everyone else is partying and traveling the world, you will find me on campus or at your nearest Olive Garden.