Let me start out by saying it is unfortunate that many of us college students spend time wondering what we should do with our lives, rather than actually going out there and trying! We live in an age of social media platforms, previous generations didn’t have to worry about. This man-made portal has people hiding inside shells, limiting them to physical opportunities and creating a profile of comfort.
My solution? Lay-off the filtered excuses. Listen, an Instagram post or a Tweet will not solve your problem. Of course, that’s a comfortable approach! However, it will limit how much you grow, in the real world. So, if you find yourself dreaming of a new job or new destination, put a plan together! Don’t just re-post something! Solve your problem, go after it.
If you aren’t taking risks, you aren’t living life to the fullest. Even if the odds do not seem to be in your favor, that’s the beauty of it all! We never know what can happen unless we take a chance. Avoiding risks is not so good after all. In fact, not doing so may be hurting you in the long run. Astonishing enough, a leap of faith is taking a chance at a brand new opportunity. A clean, slate.
It is proven that “taking the risk” is the very best thing you can do for yourself. So, stop- over- thinking. Here are five reasons why risk-taking is essential:
- Taking risks shows confidence! (Not posting a risky selfie that portrays confidence. I mean, go into that job interview and wow them! Get it dooone)
- We learn from risks! (These lessons we learn usually brings us into a new path, a new destination. Adventure a waits)
- Success won’t fall in your lap! (You have to pursue it. Push yourself. DO things with all of your heart)
- You don’t achieve your dreams by playing it safe! (FYI: We only get mm/dd/yyyy once)
- Embracing risk-taking helps you overcome a fear of failure! (If you fail, at least you know you TRIED)