June is national pride month. A time for the LGBTQ community to celebrate and spread their ideas, dreams, and passions for a whole month. Well since I am not gay, I'm celebrating pride month a little differently. I'm taking pride in my country. I know America gets the fourth of July, but I think it deserves a little more than one day. America is more than cookouts and fireworks.
Pride month for me means pride in my country and those leading it. I am a proud citizen of the United States of America. This great nation has undergone changes, laws, and leadership that have shaped this country for the good and the bad. We have a President that, like it or not, is doing phenomenal things. He has done something no other president has been able to in dealing with Korea, kept our country safe, and improved the economy and unemployment, nominated an amazing Supreme Court judge and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.
We have a first lady bold enough to wear an "I don't care" jacket to send a message to liberal media and fake news writers. We have a beautiful flag that represents freedom, bravery, and sacrifice. This is our country, and it is beautiful. As a proud citizen, I will respect the President, his family, and those in leadership. I will stand up against those who try to harm the USA and spew lies about it. Just as a proud parent watches their child receive an award, I will excitedly celebrate every win in the White House and over- seas.
I will never kneel for the National Anthem, as I will always be seen standing proudly with my hand over my heart. The Anthem represents the fight and the struggle this country faced to get where it is today. The flag blowing in the wind is a small representation of men and women staring death in the face to give us the freedoms that we so often abuse and take for granted. I stand by the Constitution, and what the founding fathers forged in ink so many years ago. Their wisdom will accompany me as I grow and continue standing for truth and what is right.
I will not back down in the face of oppression or persecution. True pride means those things can't make you fold. A true, proud citizen of the United States recognizes that people aren't perfect, but we have leadership working to make the country the best and safest it can be. As a proud citizen, I am allowed to protect myself with the Second Amendment and defend the life of the unborn. A proud citizen loves and defends their country.
Most of all, a proud citizen recognizes this country is one with God at the center, and we have the freedom to believe in Him. This is a country where we are allowed to believe what we choose without fear of death or punishment. This is my country, and I will forever be proud to support it. This pride month, your flag may be a rainbow, but mine is red, white, and blue.