What even is a "Mental Health Day?"
It is when you are totally and completely exhausted, anxious, unfocused, and feel like you are in slow motion, and you use a day to purely take care of yourself. Mental Health Days are important to take every once in a while. If someone wants to take a Mental Health Day, here is some advice on what to say and what NOT to say:
1. DON'T ask them why.
Do you really even need to ask why? A "Mental Health Day" should be self-explanatory, and sometimes a person's mental health is personal to them.
2. DO ask if there's anything you can do to help them.
Maybe you can take a shift for them, switch shifts, help them out at work, help them study, etc.
3. DON'T tell them that Mental Health isn't a valid excuse.
Taking a Mental Health Day SHOULD be the same thing as taking a day because you're physically under the weather.
4. DON'T try to compare their problems to yours.
Even if you think you have the same symptoms, your mental health and theirs are COMPLETELY different.
5. DON'T say anything along the lines of "You don't seem like you need a sick day."
Of course, they don't, most people hide their mental well-being from being seen.