The Taking and Giving Poem
It took years of torture and years of pain
sweat and tears and a few blood stains
It took a family's cheer and heart in less than a year
and all the friendships you once found dear
It took hobbies and enjoyment out of life
and the opportunity to have a peaceful night
It took moral and feeling and stripped them away
and everything you ever had important to say
It took ambitions and goals and maybe a future
all the things you dreamed of younger and newer
It took your faith, religion and God
and left the devil to do his job
It gave shame hopelessness and lots of worry
and an unbalance stagger with a vision that's blurry
it gave sickness and even awful disease
and the horrible memory to not find your keys
It gave you fear, dependency and being alone
and always that feeling that you should be gone
It gave you hate, contempt and resentments
and the ability to crush every friendship
It gave you hell, and as I said the devil himself
a brain that's blank, and blackness for health.