Taking A Gap Year: How a Year Off Could Put You a Year Ahead | The Odyssey Online
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Taking A Gap Year: How a Year Off Could Put You a Year Ahead

Taking A Gap Year: How a Year Off Could Put You a Year Ahead
Catherine Brownell

A week after I walked across the stage to receive my high school diploma, I was walking off a plane that had just landed in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Thus began my whirlwind gap year between high school and college. In addition to Ecuador, I also spent time living in Italy and Puerto Rico. Over those 365 days, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in another language, meet countless amazing people, teach children English, walk by the colosseum on a daily basis, hike through the jungle, and swim with bioluminescent plankton under the stars. And that's not even the half of it.

My decision to take a gap year has been the best decision of my life, so far. Since completing it, I’ve started school at SUNY Geneseo and I couldn’t be happier. I gained so much from my year abroad and I strongly encourage others to consider it themselves. I could give you a thousand reasons why it’s a good idea to take time off from your education, but that may take a while, so here are the top reasons I encourage taking a gap year.

Give yourself time.

The majority of our generation goes directly from graduating high school to starting their freshman year of college. There’s just a little over two months between two huge events in our young lives! Wouldn’t you like to just slow things down? There’s nothing wrong with taking a break from formal education. Sometimes leaving the classroom setting can make you appreciate it even more when you return. With the right plan, you could still be learning lots while having priceless experiences that will prepare you for your future in the real world. People may look at you funny when you have to explain why you’re a 20-year-old college freshman, but believe me, it is so worth it.

See the world.

Backpack around Indonesia, sip wine in Tuscany or study Spanish while working in Barcelona. Wherever you go and whatever you do is up to you! The possibilities are endless, and with websites like aupairworld.net, it can be affordable too. As an au pair, you have the opportunity to live with a family and work as a nanny, teaching children English. I had a wonderful experience living with a family in Rome and wouldn’t have changed anything. With my time off from work I was able to explore every inch of the city. I was also able to do some traveling which included various small towns, the Tuscan countryside, the island of Capri, and even Croatia.

If kids aren’t really your thing, then workaway.info may be more your style. Here you can find jobs posted by people from all over the world. You can apply to work at eco-resorts, bars, or even farms! The jobs give you something to do and a place to stay during your adventure around the globe. I spent a month working at a hostel in Puerto Rico and had the time of my life. I made great friends with all my co-workers and went to the beach almost daily. Sometimes, there’s nothing better than working in paradise.

Set yourself apart.

Taking a year off immediately sets you apart from the crowd. Employers and schools are constantly looking for unique individuals with a wide range of skills. You would be amazed at what traveling can teach you. Whether it’s learning to be on time so you can catch trains and planes to your next destinations, great social skills from meeting people from all over the world, or a killer sense of direction from mastering the art of reading city maps--every skill counts. Everything that you learned while traveling abroad will come in handy, I promise.

Master a language.

Five months of my own gap year was spent attending a high school in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Here I was able to hone my Spanish language skills with constant immersion. I was also able to immerse myself in the culture of the language, which is something you absolutely cannot get from a classroom. I was able to start speaking and understanding Spanish like a native. Fluency in a foreign language is a skill that is quickly becoming crucial in the business world. Having a second or third one under your belt could help immensely when it comes to finally applying for your dream job.

Discover yourself.

Let’s be honest, how many people actually know who they are, much less who they want to be on the day of their graduation day? Nobody, right? That’s what life is about, figuring it all out! And sometimes, the best place to do that is outside of a restrictive classroom. When you’re on your own and experiencing life, you can really start to find yourself. Getting lost in a new city or being pick-pocketed can really test your limits. You figure out how to deal with stress and learn that it’s not the end of the world. Dealing with tough situations teaches you so much about yourself, and what you’re truly capable of.

While in Ecuador I learned that I was incredibly independent and wasn’t happy when I was under intense supervision. I wanted the freedom to explore and make my own decisions. In Rome, I discovered that I didn’t need a man to tell me I was beautiful to believe it myself. And in Puerto Rico, I learned how to coexist with all types of people, no matter how different they were from me.

Every single day there’s something new to be learned and every single lesson is valuable. So get out there, take your gap year, and start studying the world!

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