Dating in your 20’s is fun, cringe-worthy, exciting and sometimes very confusing. And only a slim percentage of us end up marrying our first boyfriend. If you’re that girl, kudos to you. It saves you a lot of time and a lot of heartbreak. But sometimes you have to kiss a couple frogs before you meet your price, and if you’re like the rest of us, chances are you’ll end up dating a handful of guys before you meet “the one.”
The Flake
We’ve all either met or have dated a guy that says one thing and does another. Whether he created an elaborate surprise date night, or promised to be there for you, and never showed up, he’s got a book full of excuses. You should have caught on to the signs well before the expiration date, but sometimes you can’t help but hold on to false hope. If you’re dating a guy that constantly tells you one thing and ends up doing another, just to let you down, get out immediately.
The One That Put Your Guard Up
Whether he was a liar, cheater, or someone who constantly put you down, he is the reason your trust is ruined for every guy to come. And your future boyfriend has him to thank for that. Don’t go blaming yourself for any of his actions either, that was all just a part of his manipulative plan. This guy makes you feel like you’ll never trust again, but those walls will come down once the right one comes along.
The One That Was Crazy For You
While you might have dated a guy that totally broke your heart, you probably broke someone else’s too. There’s always that guy out there that likes you just a little more than you like him. Heartbreak is just a part of life, so don’t ever feel like you have to stay with a guy because you might hurt their feelings or ruin their life. No matter how much they loved you, they will move on. It’s your life too and you deserve to be happy, and sometimes it’s just not with them. If you haven’t dealt with heartbreak, then you’re lucky, but no matter how painful it might be, it makes you a better person.
The Man Child
We've all probably had to deal with a guy that has absolutely no idea how to take care of himself. Of course, we’re all strong independent ladies who can buy our man dinner every once in a while, but if you have to set his alarm for him in the morning, clean his dishes and do his laundry because he never had to in his life, he’s far too immature, and should be dating his mother, not you.
The One That’s Too Good To Be True
You might think he’s “the one” because he’s hot, got washboard abs and a perfect white smile, but his looks far outweigh his personality. Yeah, he sounds good on paper when you try to come up with his pros and cons, but when you really think about him as a boyfriend, you can’t help but realize he just sounds better than he actually is. He's in no way boyfriend material, just really, really nice to look at.
The One
And then you’ll meet the guy that makes you wonder why you ever dated any of the others. He's your best friend, and other half all in one. And if you haven’t met him yet, don’t worry. He will come, and probably when you least expect it.