Around the globe, there is a pandemic happening that is altering everyone's lives. Our world will never be the same after this pandemic, known as, COVID-19. If anything, this global pandemic has taught me to never take things for granted. Many people have taken things for granted, including myself. Have you ever heard the saying "you do not know what you have until it is gone?" This quote is definitely relevant in these times.
In March 2020, the NCAA had announced that they were cancelling all championships due to the global pandemic. Shortly after, the conference my team belongs to cancelled spring sports as a whole. All spring sport athletes were devastated with this news and realized how much their sport meant to them. All of those times, I complained about going to practice, my pitching or hitting lessons, and finally weight training. My world had changed right then and there and started to realize how much the sport softball had meant to me. It certainly changed my life. Softball is the escape I used to get away from problems or school work. From this moment on, I had cherished the times I was able to pitch, go to the practice for the I coach, and go to weight training. This pandemic is changing the perspective people have on not only sports, but on life.
In August, I started a new head coaching job, where I am responsible for twelve thirteen year old girls. With this being said, I was more careful about my whereabouts, I was more careful about my decisions, and finally, made sure I was socially distant. It has always been a dream of mine to become a teacher and coach softball during the summer. One of those dreams had come sooner than expected. Being a young head coach, I have lots to learn but I am blessed to have such amazing coaching role models around me to show me the way. For example, my father who is a high school football coach, my college coach, and finally, a very close family friend of mine. These three people have made me the person and coach I am today. They have taught me the true morals I need to be successful.
It is now October, the virus is still lingering around the world. Some may say that the second wave is approaching rapidly. Yesterday, I had received news that the team I coach will be entering their last weekend for the fall and winter season. We will not be returning to play until after Christmas break. Heartbroken to say the least, however, much needed. These girls had stole my heart within a few short months. Another thing to not take for granted, time with others.
As detrimental this pandemic is, everyone learned the life lesson to not take anything for granted. Giving someone a hug or a high five, going to the movie theater, and just simply being around groups of people of twenty-five people or more. We find ourselves in a state of shock that we are not able to do these simple things anymore. Here I was able to share my story of how COVID-19 has affected me and the people and things I love. But the story does not end here. Take a moment to thank the things or people you love most in life, because no one is ever sure how long they will be there.