There are essentially a few different kinds of 20-year-olds. In total, there are about three categories. There are the people who really just don't care and are in it for the party, there are the people who do care but also aren't too invested, and there are the people who take everything way too seriously. I am one of the people who take things way too seriously.
You wouldn't know it just by looking at me. I'm not a high maintenance girl, and I don't get upset over little things that happen to me. Most people who know me would describe me as laid-back and easygoing. This isn't untrue, but I do internalize a lot of my feelings, which people don't realize.
It's not always a bad thing to hide your feelings, and I don't do it because I feel like I don't have anybody to talk to. I do it because if anybody actually knew how seriously I take everything, nobody would ever talk to me again.
Okay, so that may be a little bit of an exaggeration, but I do take things too far. I tell myself that's a good thing. I act like it makes me better than the people who don't care and like the success I find is a direct result of the seriousness I place on everything I do.
The thing is that I'm only hurting myself by taking everything so seriously. Maybe you can relate, and if you can I urge you to take yourself down a peg. You can loosen the reigns every once in a while, and things will still be okay.
You might think that the reason you are able to achieve as much as you do is because of your no-shenanigans attitude about life, but you might actually achieve more if you could just take a breath. Step down from your high horse and see that everybody is great for who they are.
People who are lazy and people who aren't the most motivated can still be great people. Even better, they may be people who can show you another side of life. They may be able to help you leave your snootiness and stress behind.
It's hard to let go of your stress and your worry, but it's important to make the best effort you can. A life so much better than anything you imagined could be waiting right around the corner. Until then, do your best to enjoy where you are now.