I will be the first person to admit that I don't like running. Actually, I despise it. There’s no hiding that one, and I'll gladly tattoo it on my forehead (just kidding mom). But in regards to that statement, I will always take the elevator and I’m the biggest advocate for making those cool airport treadmills a nationwide sidewalk.
But this is 110 percent not the case when you ask me to talk about things I love. I will talk at 500 miles per minute; I will spend hours — even miles — expressing how I feel about the fact that Donald Trump is actually the most absurd human being on this planet, or the fact that people read tabloids and forget to appreciate hard copy newspapers, or the unfairness of most bagel places being so stinkin’ stingy on how much cream cheese they’re willing to give to their customers.
See, I’m going to start ranting, and you really don't want to get me started.
Buuuuuut, I'm going to anyways.
It’s true though. It’s so rare to be able to talk to someone who lets you feel comfortable enough to express the little quirks in your life that you feel so strongly, and possibly ashamed, about. But you should never be ashamed of loving the fact that you record the Maury Show on your DVR, or that you carry stevia packets in your purse just in case that skinny vanilla latte is way too skinny for your liking. (Yes, I do both of these things).
There's a difference between running with these passions, and having these passions. You really don't take ownership of what you love unless you're moving forward with it. Just thinking of what you want, or what you like, really doesn't make it an aspect of your life that will truly shine, it's just something you're labeling onto yourself, rather dully. Instead, run with it. Just, run.
Even if you think you’re on your own on this, you're really not. You still have yourself to talk to about these thoughts. Challenge your passions through your own brain battles. There is no quicker way to discover yourself than understanding what in life, and what about life, makes you exponentially happy and stops you from what you’re doing just so you have the chance to mask everything up with a little smile, even if it's just for a second. It’s so invigorating. Thrilling actually.
So, at the end of the day, if you really do hate running, just like I do, there is always an alternative. Let your passions wander, chase after life’s intriguing aspects, double knot those shoe laces and, sometimes, on super special occasions, sprint after the things in life that scare you the most. In the good way, of course.