Actually, no. A picture is worth a thousand words to some people. A memory forever. You never know when you'll get that right photo. Always and forever take pictures, and never let anybody say you take too many pictures or say you can't do it.
While in high school, I grew a love for photography. I loved taking pictures, (still do of course.) But, I never pursued a career in photography due to people's judgements of how hard the career was, how there's no money in it, and blah blah negative talk.
Now, I am also not talking about photography being as cliche long nature walks or laying on the floor in strange possessions to get that perfect picture shot. (Although, i've done both.) I'm talking about taking a simple picture. Picture become memories. In 10 years from now, I personally would love to visually see what I was involved in, who I was friends with, and how much fun I was having.
Take this for an example. Sorry for the sadness in advance. But, say, somebody close to you has recently passed away. What's the first thing you do? Probably go nuts looking for a picture of you two together. Why? Because seeing that person is comforting to us as humans. Seeing that person again makes the pain hurt a little less. Seeing that picture makes you cry tears of joy, instead of sorrow, just because you got to see how much fun you two were having. After seeing that specific picture, all the memories come back to you. And in the end, you think,
"Why didn't we get more pictures together?"
So take those pictures. Ask your friends and family if you can get a picture with them randomly. Even if they hate pictures, or you feel uncomfortable asking, step out of the comfort zone. You'll never know when one day it could mean a lot more than just a photo.
Take adventures with them. Be productive. Do crazy things you wouldn't ever do. The crazier the adventure, the more of a memory it has on you both, and the more of a story goes behind it one day.
Take those pictures, and smile while doing it.