I am a senior at Florida State and will finally be graduating in the fall, but do I have any idea about what I am going to do with the rest of my life? No, not really, and I am completely okay with that. I know that by the time you graduate from college you're supposed to know what you're doing and have a job lined up for you as soon as you're done, but that doesn't always have to be the case. You're allowed to take time off and travel or figure out your path in life, but I am not saying you should never, but taking your time is acceptable.
Every time I visit from college and see my parents and friends, the big question that everyone always asks me is what I am going to do next. I never have any idea what to say because I don't know what lies ahead of me. There are so many things that I want to do I wouldn't even know where to begin. My boyfriend is a professional baseball player, so six months out of the year maybe I want to travel with him and work remotely, I am not in any rush to start working your regular nine to five job when I have the rest of my life to do that. As long as you have the support from your family and friends then you should always go for it, and even if they don't agree with wit your decisions, it's your life.
For those of you who have your life figured out and want to start your life right away with your job and everything then props to you, but you also shouldn't forget to take time for yourselves and travel and enjoy life.
You can call me crazy all you want but, you are only young once and life is way too short to be worrying about the rest of your life, so take some risks and do the things that you normally wouldn't because one day, you don't want to look back on your life wishing you did things differently when you were younger. It's okay to be selfish sometimes and do things for yourself because trust me life is way too short. Live your life how you want and don't let anyone tell you differently.