We live in the United States of America, where the people are suppose to be heard, but they are not.
We live in the United States of America, where money is a form of free speech, not just a paycheck.
We live in the United States of America where money-hungry politicians overlook the consent of the American people, because of their own selfish fetishes.
Why and how has Congress manifested a disease disabling them from hearing the majority? The answer is simple; hundred dollar bills plug their ears, and blind their eyes.
Back when our founding fathers revolted against a terrorizing government, they had a plan for the future; a plan that our country's people would not be slaves to the political machine. Well, our government has spit on our founding father's faces.
How did we get here? How did we let this happen?
In all honesty, it was out of our control. The United States of America is not run by the people for the people. It is run by the one percent for the one percent.
Right now, the middle class is shrinking because the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. The system is set against the working class. We are playing an unwindable game. The worst part is we aren't playing against the game masters or the one percent; instead, we are all battling each other for survival, while the game masters look from above and watching the masterpiece tear itself apart. Our country is divided politically, racially, and economically. We shouldn't be fighting against one another. We need to stand up to the man and rise above the ones who enslave us.
The game masters are the ones that lobby our politicians, have their hands shoved up the Supreme Court's butts, and control the economy.
The game masters have created a society of slaves. They own everyone and everything. They put who they want in the oval office, and they make sure the minorities are dragged through the mud. To the game masters we are nothing but pawns building their money stacks. We fund the indulgences and their greed. We pay for their enormous extravagant mansions and luxury cars. We do this with our blood, sweat, and tears while they sit in their thrones having grapes fed to them.
The entire system is rigged.
When the Gold Standard was lost in 1971, it allowed the money mongrels to feast on the American people. It allowed them to get richer and richer while the poor struggle. It allowed them to endlessly profit from a war on terror. The loss allowed them to make poor financial investments. It allowed them to under-educate a population so that we the people can remain ignorant to the corruption that infests Washington, D.C.
We need to stand up for what is right. We need to hold the government and the one percent accountable for their actions. We need to rise together as brothers and sisters to fight social, economic and political injustices. We are all Americans; no matter your race, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc. At the end of the day, we are what is best for the people. Our voices need to be heard and will be heard. Our fathers didn't just wake up one day and decide to start the American Revolution; it started because of the countless times the British government undermined its people.
Today, our education system is depleting, our economy is in shambles, and government is corrupt. We, as the people, have the power to stand up and ruin the game they are playing.
We are the people and we will fight for the people.