Let's be honest, we have all given a golden piece of advice, and when we find ourselves in a similar situation, taking our own advice is the last thing we want to do. Whether it is staying hopeful, not procrastinating on a ten page paper, or trying to stay away from the boy who has that bad reputation, I know you have been there. We beg and plead with our friends to just simply do the right thing, but when it is our turn, we are not even close to interested in doing the right thing. It is hypocritical, and I will admit that I have done it a million times.
Well friends, at least we are not alone is this crazy human habit. So what do we do?
Well first, let's think about the advice we are giving and why we give it.
We give advice to help lead our friends on the path with the least pain and the greatest reward. I mean I do not remember the last time I told my friends to go out and make decisions that will hurt them. We lead them to the greatest good with the least risk, do we not also want that for ourselves?
And why do we give advice? We give advice because we love our friends. We hate to see them hurting and distressed. If they are deserving and worthy of a friend to help them choose the right path to take, so are you. Really, you are.
So many times I have fought others on their advice. I was stubborn, and I did not think that I really needed to do what they said I should. This happens mostly when it comes to taking action and seeking aid in regards to my mental health. It is so easy to convince yourself that you are not worthy of their advice or help. You tell them you can do it alone and push away any advice or helping hand they give you, but why?! All they ever did was try to love me. All they ever did was try to love you.
I think this is the biggest default when it comes to not taking our own advice. We do not take our own advice because we do not fully love ourselves. We help others because they mean something to us, but we forget that we mean something to them, too.
Friends, you are loved beyond measure, and it is time that we all acknowledge this. We have faults, we have flaws, but that does not change our ability or worthiness of being loved. Let others in, take their advice, the same advice you would be giving them if they were in that situation! The right thing to do is not always the easiest thing to do, but it will be worth it in the long run, trust me.
So next time your world seems as if it is falling apart, reach out to your friends, listen to what they have to say, and do the right thing. You are worth it.