I am not someone who could be classified as a risk-taker. In fact, I am very much the opposite.
I like to stick to a routine. I eat the same foods from the same restaurants. I buy the same pair of blue jeans every time. I don't like to travel to new places by myself. I am also scared of a lot of things: clowns, spiders, the dark, and heights, just to name a few.
So, it was with great hesitation and to the surprise of everyone that knew me that I put on a harness to zip line this past fall. As I climbed the steps to the platform with my friends, I kept making conversation to prevent myself from turning around and running away. Suddenly, it was my turn. I stepped up to the edge of the platform and broke the first rule of conquering heights: I looked down. I thought to myself, "It's okay. If you fall, you probably won't die. You'll just break your legs." I am an excellent self-motivator.
But I was determined to do this. When the girl in charge counted down from 3, I would just look straight out and step off the platform. Then, it was time. "3, 2, 1, go!"
I walked up to the edge, stuck out one foot...and then walked backwards. I was completely terrified. I had very little faith in this thin wire to hold me up as I flew through the air. With the encouragement of my friends and the workers, I gave it a second try...and still didn't make it off the edge. I was so frustrated with myself. I had wanted to zip line for so long. I had my opportunity. Why couldn't I just be brave and take advantage of it?
Then, with even more encouragement, I took a deep breath, looked out, and stepped off the platform. I felt sheer terror for the first second or two, and then I realized I wasn't going to hit the ground. I was flying through the air. I had done it! I had conquered my fear. My friends were incredibly proud of me, and my parents were so shocked that it took them some time to believe me. I was overjoyed and wanted to tell anyone who would listen.
As I thought back to my accomplishment that weekend, God began using that experience to teach me. Christians often pray for God to push them outside of their comfort zone. Or they talk about wanting to be challenged in their faith. Or they sing songs with hands held high that ask God to lead them into deeper waters.
But then, when the time actually comes for our faith to be tested, we take a step back. We're more than willing to lean out just a little, but our feet don't want to leave the solid ground they're standing on. And when we finally do take the chance, we are often still afraid that the Lord will let us fall.
Matthew 14 tells the story of Peter walking on water towards Jesus. Verses 30 and 31 say, "But when [Peter] saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. 'Save me, Lord!' he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. 'You have so little faith,' Jesus said. 'Why did you doubt me?'"
Jesus was never going to let Peter drown, because He loved Peter and knew that Peter still had many things left to do for the Lord. All Peter had to do was step out on his faith and trust his Lord and Savior.
And the same goes for us. God is faithful to fulfill His promises. He has a plan to give us a hope and a future. He will work all things together for good. All we have to do is be obedient to His call.
One thing He doesn't promise us is that life will be easy. He actually tells us that it will be difficult and that we have to deny ourselves to follow Him. But He is a good God that is full of light. And those that have put their faith in Him as Lord and Savior will be rewarded for their obedience when they spend eternity in Heaven with the One who created them.
So, take that leap of faith. Step off the platform you've been standing on for so long. Follow God's call, whatever it is. Change your major. Take that job in a different city. Go on that mission trip. Get married. Tell that person in your class about Jesus.
Whatever it is that you feel God is calling you to do, do it. Look straight ahead, and step off the platform. Relish in the joy that God will bless you with for being obedient. And then tell everyone what God has done.