This week has been a whirlwind, beyond the fact that next week is my busiest finals week yet. My family recently suffered a loss, and we're still grappling with how to deal with it. These past few days, I felt overwhelmed, my head was spinning, and I just needed to check myself out for a bit, physically and mentally.
I needed to give myself a break. And that's exactly what I did.
For all of Wednesday and most of Thursday, I removed myself from my Facebook newsfeed, Instagram, and all other social media platforms, besides keeping in touch with a few close friends over Facebook messenger and text.
I didn't want to feel obligated to constantly refresh my feed, I didn't want to tag anyone in things; I wanted to sit and have some moments where I could just have some peace. I needed the time to grieve and allow myself to feel. These days, I obsess over all things social media, never leaving my room without both my phone and laptop. It's beginning to drain me. I feel a sense of anxiety trailing behind me. I'm always worried that I won't reply fast enough or I'll miss the next big thing or I won't be tagged in something like everyone else, needing validation in the form of posts and articles and the newest meme that's taking over my news feed.
Wednesday was the mental health day my body has been craving.
I rested for a long time, catching up on all of the sleep I'd been missing. I read some pages of a good book. I ate as much as I could stomach. I was still numb from the news I'd received, but it was okay. The texts and calls from my favorite people made me feel like everything was going to be all right. There was no pressure to be anything or be anyone. Since Wednesday, I've made myself scarce on social media because I like this little break that I've taken. I don't feel chained to my phone as much as I have been recently, and the disconnect has lessened my stress and anxiety levels.
I encourage everyone to do the same thing, especially if something big has happened that's rocked your world and you just need some down time. Don't worry, everything on Facebook will still be there when you get back. Instagram will still show you the latest pictures, and you can like to your heart's content. Don't feel bad about taking some time for yourself to clear your mind and get some space. It'll do you some good, especially during this busy time as the semester draws to a close. Always take care of yourself first because you are your biggest priority, and don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise.