What is the most important thing to you? Your classes/GPA maybe? Or possibly your social circle? What about you? Like your mental and physical health you not really the how you're doing in classes or getting a chance to go out and be social or working or whatever.
It's getting to that time in the semester where it's after midterms but finals are getting closer every day. Granted Thanksgiving is in there somewhere but still. Do you take time for YOU? Do you take time to just think, or not think, with no distractions like electronics or other people? Do you make sure that you're handling homework and work and all your other things ok rather than just trying to work through the stress. Don't surpress your stress, recognize it's there, make a plan, relax, and work on reducing that stress.
In college it's hard to always recognize when we get stressed past our max when we have 5 meetings, 15 to 18 credit hours, 4 clubs we are active in, and trying to volunteer or work. That's a lot and sometimes we crack under pressure and it comes out of nowhere especially if you think you have it under control. When we have this break we tend to beat up on ourselves for not realizing we were that stressed or thinking we could totally handle all that stress when you have 3 big tests, a huge paper, and all those meetings. Please don't beat yourself up over it, instead try this:
First tell yourself that it's okay because you are human.
After that make a list of things you have to do and when meetings are occuring. Follow this with figuring out what is quick and easy and what is more difficult and time consuming.
Try to knock the quick and easy assignments out first because they can help reduce stress even a little bit. Try to work on the bigger assignments in increments instead of in one big sitting, you'll drive yourself crazy.
Don't forget to schedule Me-Time cause seriously you need to take time for yourself. You need to just chill and relax and ground yourself (if that's your thing). Have a movie night as an incentive after doing a few assignments. Take a walk. Do something you love.
Then go back and work on assignments without overloading yourself. Decide if that meeting is something you have to go to or skip. Clubs on campus realize academics come first a majority of the time because they want you to do well.
Need some ideas on how to take time for you? Here's some ideas from your fellow Ball State Cardinals:
"I paint my nails because it's relaxing and something I've always done and usually watch a lot of Netflix. Being able to play my instrument is really relaxing." ~Erin
"I take time to watch movies because seeing the creativity for stories and being able to escape the present for a little bit." ~ Minh-Thu
"I write and watch TV to escape the horrible reality/world we live in for a little bit." ~Lacey
"I do yoga!" ~Jasmine
I personally like to go outside or if it's too cold find a room in the Rec where I can flow with my Hula Hoop for awhile or sit and crochet for the fun of it because either option allows me to just focus on something I love to do and not think about what's going on and everything I have to do for even half an hour.
" I workout to relieve stress or blow off some steam. Sometimes I go get a pedicure to treat myself and relax." ~ Bailey
For other ideas I encourage you to check out this article I found on creating a college self-care plan: http://makingmyway.co/college-self-care/.
Just remember you are a person who has needs and your mental and physical health are super important. So take time for you with no phones or electronics (unless writing or movies or something like that helps, but try to avoid social media for a few). Love yourself and don't beat yourself up over something small because it's not worth it.