On Sunday, June 26, 2016, Jesse Williams, known for his role on "Grey's Anatomy," received a Humanitarian Award. He then earned a standing ovation for the speech he gave after receiving his award. I was nothing short of disgusted with what he had to say. Jesse Williams is no humanitarian in my book.
If you missed the BET Awards, you are probably wondering what Jesse could have said to cause me to be so disgusted. By all means, feel free to watch the video of his speech or read it, but I'll sum it up for you. Jesse's speech was nothing but him playing victim and disrespecting law enforcement. I do not take lightly to either of those. I was raised in a home where I was taught to always respect others, but if you do not respect law enforcement I have norespect for you.
He stated, "We know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day. So what’s going to happen is we are going to have equal rights and justice in our own country, or we will restructure their function and ours." Okay Jesse, so what you are saying is you are going to wage a war against law enforcement, because that's what I took from that statement. Even though many officers would be outraged by what you had to say, they would do whatever they could to help you if you were ever in need. These men and women, whom you described as brutalized, put their own lives at risk for all of us, even those who are ungrateful, like you, Jesse. If you were really a "humanitarian" you would have thanked them for their hard work and protection.
Jesse also feels that black people do not have equal rights. Could someone please fill me in on what rights black people don't have? Maybe I missed something in high school history class when studying the Civil War. So many white men fought and died to end slavery. No, black people do not owe white people anything for that. I am simply trying to remind those who may have forgotten how far we really have come.
Please, take a seat Jesse, along with the rest of you who are choosingto be a victim. No one is out to get you. You have allthe same rights as the rest of us. It is time to end the "Black Lives Matter" movement and start the "AllLives Matter" movement.