I am the type of person to hold myself back a lot. I over analyze situations, and I am pretty good at talking myself out of doing something. That something can be anything, not something necessarily crazy. It could be sending a text, going to a job interview, walking in an unfamiliar place, basically anything. I realize more and more though, that I need to stop. Holding oneself back from not only the big things but the little things in life is only doing more harm. The saying, "you'll never know until you try," is something I am trying to adopt into my life.
To me, I have learned it is important to take risks. You'll learn more and experience more. I am not saying that every risk you take will lead to a positive outcome, but most sane people know when too much is too much. I am saying take the little leaps of risk. Send that text message, talk to that boy/girl, go get that job, whatever you've been holding yourself back from doing, just get out there and do it.
Sometimes when we do not decide to take the risk, we sit there with regrets. We think could have, should have, would have, and that should not be the case. You should try and make the most of your life. Sometimes we don't take risks because we are worried about what other people will think or say. It is really hard to not think that sometimes, but letting go and not caring about other's opinions is just a hard, crucial life lesson. So what if they talk about how you went on that date or got that job? They're probably jealous anyways.
Big or small a risk has some impact, positive or negative. I am not saying go crazy and off the deep end, plunging into negative consequences. Just maybe don't think too hard next time you're deciding to try a new flavor of ice cream.