Take a look at where you are, where your sitting, standing or walking. Remember that your not at home, or sitting at your high school desk anymore. You're in college; you're an adult now! Whoo you finally made it, feels great, right? Sure, college life is a million times more stressful than your high school dark days but at least you have a lot more freedom now. It seems like in college it’s more of a roller coaster ride, bigger highs, lower lows. High school was more of train ride, slower, still moving but pretty stagnant. Irrelevant of what college you’re at, no matter how big or small at least you’re in college. Understanding all the blessings, people and good things around you. Sometimes we seem to take for granted where we are at in our lives. The struggles of class, work and "adulting" can be overwhelming don't get me wrong, but maybe taking a look around at what you do have right now at this moment can put it all into perspective.
Our priorities sometimes seem to take over who we are, and we let the define us. Grades are definitely one of these things, while important it's totally okay to get a bad grade here and there. Mostly because grades do not define who you are, what your capable of, or how intelligent you are. Just because you don't have the best grades, doesn't mean you won't get that internship or job, go rock that interview and show who you are! Work harder if you’re not smarter - that's my rule! Prove your work ethic through other means than a stupid exam over chapter 15 through 20. Look at what you are good at and build upon those skills to achieve what you see for your future. Appreciating what you do have and what your good at can lead to a healthy and happier you.
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Money has become another priority in a lot of our lives. Stresses about money seem to dictate every single thing we do. While I know and am well aware of the importance of being money conscious, I think we put it above other things in our lives and that is honestly just sad. Look at what you have, see it's worth and understand that it doesn't have to be the best or newest. Be happy and proud of what you have. Work hard for the money in your hand, but don't base your life around it.
Next time your feeling down or don't feel good enough. Take a look around, see it all, see the people in your life that love you, appreciate the things you do have, whether that’s the clothes on your back to the vehicle you drive. See where you’re at in your life how far you've come in the last few years. Be proud and thankful that you've made it this far and that your hard work has payed off.