If you would have asked me a year ago if I would go abroad for 5 months my answer would have been no. If you would have asked me before I left if I was ready, my answer would also have been no. I was scared of the distance. I was scared of leaving my life behind for a few months, my friends, my family, my dog. I thought five months was too long. I was scared I would be homesick. I knew things wouldn't be exactly the same when I came back. Despite all these doubts, I took the leap.
I remember being miserable at first. I called my best friend every day for a week wanting to come home. I wasn't ready for the changes that I was about to go through. Don't get me wrong, I was blessed to have this opportunity and beyond grateful. However, getting adjusted wasn't the easiest.
Then everything changed; I took my first trip. When I started traveling, I realized how small my problems were compared to the amazing things this world has to offer. I dropped the unnecessary problems in my head and traded it in for a more worldly point of view. I realize change is good. Growth is good. We grow out of old versions of ourselves to meet new versions. We level up in ways we'd never imagine.
Little did I know, time truly flies. I am more myself now than ever before. I can chalk that up to much time alone and many places around the world. I am always facing challenges and new opportunities to grow. If I could go back and tell myself what I know now, I'd say go for it! You'll never know if you never try. Maybe you'll find yourself along the way.
I am thankful for the person I am today. I was given the opportunity to love myself and love the world that we are so blessed to live in. You can truly find your place in this world once you get out of the world in your head.
If you would tell me I've changed, I'd say you're right. So if you met me 5 months ago, let me reintroduce myself.