This past week has flown by and it's already November. Where did the semester go and how did all of these assignments creep up on me? More importantly, how am I already registering for my last semester of my college career?
Yikes..not ready for the real world.
If you're anything like me then you are a senior college student that is struggling to make it to the finish line.
When people told me that my time in college would fly by, I honestly didn't believe them. But here I am, three years later and I will graduate in May. I am currently in an exciting stage of my life but also entering a terrifying one. Terrifying in the fact that I will soon be on my own at what I like to call a "big girl job" in yet another city where I will know no one.
Professors are constantly telling me things I need to do before my upcoming graduation and the list goes on..believe me I hear them loud and clear, but I need a break!
Don't get me wrong I've had my better days while attending college and then I have also had my fair share of bad days, weeks, and of course that one semester. This week was never-ending and I was faced with multiple assignments and tests in each of my classes almost everyday. I would be lying to myself if I said that I thought I was never going to make it through this week, but here I am and fortunately I survived. Not sure how, but my sleep schedule definitely suffered.
Mainly because I procrastinated...sorry mom and dad.
If there is one thing I could change about this semester is making sure that I upheld my deal of staying ahead as much as I could and never procrastinating. But I am human just like you and sometimes I fall short. Obviously, I beat myself up about these things when I'm facing them but I can't dwell on them because then I will accomplish nothing. So I try my best to stay positive and see that light at the end of my long tunnel.
Fortunately for me my weekend is fast approaching so I will have some time to rest before I have to tackle next weeks's tasks.
Honestly, don't procrastinate, but also make sure to enjoy your time in college as well because it does fly by. I wish I would have been more adventurous and involved on campus during my last year.
Don't get burned out and beat yourself up over silly things and always try to remain positive about everything in life. Easier said than done I know, but it could make a difference if not today then maybe tomorrow.