In this day and age, we are so caught up in the everyday chaos of our lives that we forget to actually stop and give our friends and others the attention they deserve. We're all guilty of it. Maybe you're always on your phone or social media. Or maybe you have a close friend you spend 24/7 with. Not that doing either of these are bad, but sometimes we neglect the ones who are always there for us. We need to start paying more attention to the little things that people do for us that show us kindness and that they care. The more we do this, the more our eyes will be opened to who our real friends are and who genuinely cares. As you read the following list, think of who you know that does this, and you may be surprised what you find.
The person who texts you to ask how you are.
This person wants to actually know how you're doing. They are willing to listen.
“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer.”
― Ed Cunningham
The person who asks to go do things with you.
Obviously these people want to spend time with you. This person likes you enough to want to be around you. This may mean they just value your company and friendship, or maybe they even like you more than that. Either way, get to know them and what they like to do.
The person who brings you coffee/lunch.
Whether its bringing you lunch at work, cooking you dinner, or something else, this person is demonstrating that they are willing to put a little time/money into your friendship.
The person who travels for you.
Maybe this person drove 50+ miles to come watch you rodeo/play sports/etc... Make their trip worth while and thank them, talk to them, let them know you appreciate their support. That's a long ways to go for someone.
The person who will come pick you up at 3am.
The "you can call me anytime" people. These people would get up in the middle of the night to drive your drunk butt home. They don't ask for anything in return, they just care that you get home safe. The person who will carry you in, set the trash can next to you and get you a glass of water for the am. This person cares.
Hopefully, you have a friend like this, but if not, better find some new ones. An even better goal, would be to try and be that friend.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
― Leo Buscaglia