One might fairly assess that I'm a big nerd. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, love learning stuff. Even if it's not things that are in my typical field, any neat fact or interesting theory is something I'd like to hear. That said, I don't always love school. I try very hard to enjoy the work I'm doing, but there are classes I have to take and things I have to learn that I just don't care about. But this article isn't about the classes that are bland and boring. I want to take this time to encourage fellow students to take that one cool class you really wanna take.
In college so far, I've spent more than the usual amount of time taking classes in hopes that I'll figure out what to do with my life (spoiler: this has not worked). This process has led me to discover just how great taking a class that interests you can be. Not all the classes I've taken have helped me get nearer to a degree, but I absolutely believe that every class has brought me closer to being a human with an education that enriches my life.
I know lots of people have taken on majors that are really demanding in their credit requirements, people who probably don't want to wander the wastes of nonsense classes as I have. But I would like to suggest to even the most goal-oriented people with the most intense majors that they try to squeeze in a class that they want to take just to take it. You can take a music class or a writing class, or a class that speaks to an interest like weather science or sculpture. Not everyone has the time to pick a minor in a subject they're passionate about, but slipping in one class? Might be feasible.
This semester, I'm taking a class where I get to read plays and theatrical theory works and discuss them with a bunch of other people. It's amazing and I'm having the best time, but every so often I think to myself, Shouldn't I be working more on credit for my major? Is this class worth my time? Every time I doubt, I determine yet again that it is worth it. When else in my life will I get to do something I love (analysis of texts and discussions about theater) with a group of people who also love it? It's not going to be my career, and who knows if I'll find a book group where people have the same taste for drama that I do. It's an academic gift I've given to myself, a chance to explore and chance to learn techniques for contemplating subjects I like.
Whatever your passion, take a class in it. Even if you're super passionate about your major (good for you!), take the time to explore something else you love. It won't be a waste of your precious college time. Actually, it's what getting an education is about.