It's about that time. Midterms, fall break, exams... There is a lot of chaos going on if you are a college student. Although I love that the weather is changing, it means my life will be busier than ever.
Even though you may be busy, don't forget to "take a break" in the words of Hamilton.
Taking a break can really help a lot. Whether you choose to grab some food, watch an episode of the Gilmore Girls on Netflix, or catch some z's, it is worth your time. Taking a break can help you focus in the long run. Our brains are like an engine; it can over heat when worked too hard for prolonged periods of time. Take some time to fuel your engine and give it time to cool off before racing for that paper deadline.
Here are some ways I choose to take a break:
1. Sleep
Sleeping is hard to come by in college, so, you take what you can get whenever the opportunity arises. I have come to realize that naps are the best thing ever, and I question my younger self for hating nap time in school.
2. Grabbing a bite to eat
Food. Food is life. Never skip a meal, but, if you do skip a meal, eat a snack that will give you some fuel.
3. Watch Netflix
Who doesn't love Netflix? I could watch Netflix all day long, but then I would never achieve anything in my life and probably become a hobo. So, watch Netflix, but do it in moderation. I know we all hate those cliffhangers at the end of every episode, but you must wait to see if Lorelei will marry Luke, or if Moriarty is coming back from the dead, or if Sam and Dean will ever find their dad.
4. Walk around campus
Chances are that you are a college student that goes to a decent sized school. That school probably uses at least 1/3 of your tuition to pay for the lawn maintenance workers who conveniently mow the lawn at 7 am every morning. So, why don't you and a friend utilize the nice weather and the perfectly cut grass. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, and get to know those college friends that you can't get enough of.
5. Mindlessly color
Someone gave me this amazing thing called a stress relief coloring book. Here's how it works. Grab something to color with, open the book, and color in those lovely, pre-printed lines.
So... Step away from the stress, and take a break. Your brain will thank you later.