This goes out to the people who think that college is just partying all night and sleeping all day, with a few classes thrown in the mix.
College is hard, much harder than any schooling any student has been through. Even though the classes may be shorter and only two or three times a week, the amount of work and studying given/necessary is enough.
It's also hard, especially at this age, to try and find a balance between school, social life, and mental health.
With so much on our plates these days, we all deserve some appreciation for our hard work. Even if it means just treating yourself to a coffee.
What we don't need is to be talked down on, even if our grade may only be a B. Even getting B's is hard these days in college, so give us a positive attitude and celebrate our grade.
All in all, as long as we are trying please don't talk down to us and just give us the reassurance we need to get through the semester.