This is something that has been on my mind lately, so naturally, I decided to write about it. I am a huge perfectionist. I love to get everything done, have a clean house, and seem like I have my life together. My planner is full of things to get done and I love to cross off each item as it gets done. I try not to be upset if I don't get everything done that I planned for the day, but really it kind of sucks.
What I have learned (and am still learning) is that it is okay to not be perfect. Let's be real here for a minute: NO ONE IS PERFECT! Even if it seems like it, someone always has a flaw. It's not our job to pick out their flaws, because that's not nice, but it is important to remember that everyone has flaws.
There are times when I am exhausted and need a break, but I keep pushing myself because I want to get everything done. This is not healthy and I recognize that. I am getting better at taking care of myself and my cute husband is super good at telling me to take a break. So it's important to remember that it is okay to not get everything done. It is okay if your house is dirty and the dishes aren't done. It is okay to mess up!
The big take away I want you to get from this is to take care of yourself. Listen to your body and what it is telling you. If it is saying it's tired and wants a break, give yourself a break. If your body says it wants ice cream, give it ice cream people! Your mental health is much more important than getting good grades or having a clean house. Please take care of yourself, because you have so many people that love you.