Your elders have always been there for you. When you were little, you might recall you grandma calling you to ask about school. While school might have been the last thing you wanted to talk about, at least you knew she cared; she cared enough to take out her time to make sure that she heard your voice. Hearing your voice meant the world to her and you enjoyed talking with her as well. Some people, never have the chance to meet their grandparents. Therefore, life is an even greater blessing if you have had the chance to get to know your grandparents. But other children, might had other influential elders in their life that protected them and called them asking about their day. Regardless, your grandparents, or whoever your elders were, they will call to make sure you are taken care of and that you are safe. Today, you look back at these moments and think "wow, am I grateful I have them." Now it is your turn to take the time out and show them how much you care.
Call them to remind them that they are loved.
Always give your elders the rightful respect they deserve. Tell them you miss them, that you can't bear to be without them a second longer. Because as much as you may not want to admit it, you love them.
And remember to use your manners when you talk with them.
Even if your grandma is your best friend, you shouldn't use foul language towards her. You love your elders and they deserve the rightful respect they earned.
One of the biggest things to remind your elders is that you are willing to care for them.
When you are old and wrinkly, you want to make sure someone will be there for you to care for your needs. Even if there is just someone to help you cross the road when you walk, push your wheelchair or even grab that box of Cheerios on the high shelf in the kitchen, that will mean the world. Therefore, take care of your elders when they need help. Like karma, good things will come as a result of it.
Ask them about their lives.
Find out where they are from; find out what they used to do as kids. In reality, many of us don't know about our grandparent's childhood. Some of us don't know much about our parents' lives before we were a part of it. There are so many of us millennials that are so self-absorbed in our own lives taking selfies and talking about our day. Therefore, take the time out to ask. I promise, it will be good for you.
Ask about their health and how they are doing.
They always wanted to make sure you were doing well. If they need some allergy medicine down the street, save them a trip and go get it for them.
Walk and talk with them.
Don't, whatever you do, walk ahead of them when you are talking to them. Absorb every moment in their presence.
Finally, remind them you love them.
Love is a powerful word. Therefore, tell them you love them. I promise, telling someone you love them, can make their day a whole lot better.
Because they helped you with all your problems when you were a kid.
They were still there for you when you had surprises like this.
Someday, you will be a grandmother or grandfather and you will expect your grandchildren or people younger than you to respect you. You will also expect your children and grandchildren to be there for you when you need it most. Therefore, respect your elders when they are still in your lives.