Weeks like this one are where you feel like the busyness will never end and you can barely see the light of the next break in the distance. In just a few short days, you'll be reunited with family, spending the holidays together and enjoying the restfulness of each other's company. But it is what lies between today and that rest that we get so caught up in, that is stressing us out and that is seemingly consuming our lives. Papers, tests, projects and everything in between: with so much ahead of us, it's important to use your time wisely, but also take time to be thankful for the busyness of life and what it holds (yes you should be thankful for school), and what it brings us.
When you are swamped with assignments and deadlines, remember that you are being molded into someone who is responsible and finishes what they start.
When it seems like the work will never end, remember why you choose to do it and what motivates you.
When you are ready to chill and be lazy and not have any responsibilities, remember that soon enough you'll get there, but until then- it's time to buckle down and finish that Civ paper.