If you are anything like me and my best friend, you’re pretty clueless, have a horrible sense of direction, and never meet a stranger. With all of these amazing qualities you are bound to get lost anywhere you go, but you’re okay with that, because you’re with one of your favorite humans, so it doesn’t even matter anyways. Anywhere you go with them is home to you!
First step to taking on the City with your best friend is finding parking. It is the city and if you’re college students like us, you’re looking for the cheapest parking opportunity. Unfortunately that sketchy alley way won’t work out because it will probably get towed quicker than you can get out your car, but the next alley way over looks a little less sketchy and that should do.
Walking around a big city with your best friend by your side is probably the best feeling in the world. You’re feeling fierce and unstoppable and so is she. Until one of you gets your heel stuck in the sidewalk, and down you go. But no worries though because you have your best friend by your side and she is there to laugh at you along with all the strangers on the street and then help you up after the fact. But hey, at least you can say you gave some strangers a good laugh!
Finding good food is definitely a must! Do you take your chances at the food trucks or do you go to a nice looking restaurant? The answer here is obviously both. Eat all the foods when you are with your best friend, and if you can't finish it you know she will. If you are blessed enough to be as great as us, the chef will ask to come out and meet you because he likes the additions you added to the original meal. And if you are even more blessed you will get four free desserts because the waiter loves you that much.
After eating so much food you are going to need to walk that food baby off. You aren’t going to want to though. If you’re anything like me, you are going to cry a little and want to go into a food coma. Hopefully you are as hashtag blessed as I am with a great friend who will drag you to your feet in a desperate time of need,and who encourages you to shop that food baby off.
Now, to properly shop this food baby off in the City you have to use your sense of direction, or lack thereof. Siri is not an option if you are going to take the city on properly. I happen to never know where I am walking, but one wise woman once told me to walk like you know where you are going and no one will notice that you are completely lost. People will start coming up to you, asking you for directions because that is just how confident you will look. So that is exactly what you do. Just kept walking, just kept walking. Along the way meet some people that own really cute dogs, and try to distract them while your friend runs away with it. If that plan doesn't go through, I guess just petting the dog will have to do. And if you don’t get whistled at repeatedly by a really creepy dude with a long beard on a bike, did you actually take on the city? And if your best friend doesn't cuss them out afterwards did it you actually get whistled at?
After jaywalking across streets and buying a few too many things, at the end of the day you will find your way back no matter what. You will realize that as long as you have your best friend by your side nothing is impossible.