There is a rare breed of people whose time clocks are set three hours earlier than everyone else’s. I am the infamous one percent that makes up this group.
Since the beginning, I have always had an internal time clock where the minute the sun rises, I need to be out of bed. Mornings are my favorite part of the day. They’re quiet, peaceful, and can be very beneficial depending on how you utilize your time.
It’s no secret that college students have busy schedules that include classes, extracurriculars, a job, and maintaining a decent social life. Balancing it all is like a full-time job, and often I find myself stressed out from it all.
But mornings are what save me. These pockets of time give me the opportunity to collect myself before I start a brand new day.
I realize that many are not morning people, but don’t knock it till you try it. Research claims that a new habit can formed in a course of 21 days. And while it may be mid-October, starting now is better than never.
Becoming a morning person has many positives to it. It’s been shown that they are happier, have better grades, more efficient, and more productive! If we all wish to set ourselves up for success, making this change in your lifestyle is a step in the right direction.
Here are some ideas to help you begin your day:
- Set your alarm(s). If you’re not like me and can't wake up on your own, set your alarm to a sound that will help you get out of bed. Whether it may is one alarm or five, wake yourself up. One tip is to put your alarm out of reach. This will help you wake up that much faster.
- Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the No. 1 meal that people apparently cannot skip. By loading up on a ton of protein (and coffee!), you’ll already have plenty of energy to begin your day. And who doesn’t love breakfast?
- Make a to-do list. By listing projects, errands, and activities, you will be more organized and focus on the specifics to tackle that day. After making my list, I like to paperclip it to a page in my planner so I always have a place to look for it.
- Exercise. Besides my preference to go to the gym in the mornings in comparison to at night, exercising will help you become more focused when you go to class or the office. Also, a morning shower should be earned, so why not break a sweat?
- Catch up on the news. Call me old fashioned, but I love watching the morning news. Whether you catch up via newspaper, television, or social media, it’s always good to be informed on what’s happening in the world.
- Open your blinds. Our bodies are sensitive to light, which explains why we just cannot sleep in once we see the sun, however tired we may be. Opening your blinds before you go to sleep will help you wake up naturally or will trick you into thinking it’s time to get up.
Mornings may not be everyone’s favorite, but they’re worth a shot. Especially during the week where your days are busiest, having an extra hour before you need to work could be the thing that will help you get through your day.
Life goes by faster than we think, so why not take advantage of every moment and morning we have while we still can.