You're stressed. You're tired. You're nervous. You're on edge.
The list could go on and on. The amount of uncertainty and feeling anything negative is eternal. They're those feelings that you think you have under control and then they make a reappearance when you least expect for them to. To be fair, we never truly want them to swing back around.
It's essential to make sure you allow for yourself to have a mental health day or week. If not a week or a day, then a few days. Some time where you are able to put things off and not worry about anything that remotely stresses you or worries you. Anything that isn't positive or uplifting.
Here are at least 3 things that can happen when you let yourself get too stressed out or stretch yourself too thin.
1. Too much stress can make you sick.
From personal experience, always being worried or anxious can be very unhealthy and detrimental to mental health. Too much on one plate per person can make you physically sick. Coming down with sore throats, colds, congestion, and drowsiness can and will approach. Setting aside time for relaxation, having a cup of tea or coffee, watching some of your favorite shows, movies, or YouTube stars will lighten the load on your body. Even pre-occupying yourself with chores like laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, or organizing will ease the mind. As long as there isn't any mental concentration involved, it will help.
2. Lack of sleep will catch up to you.
Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash
If you notice yourself dragging your body out of bed, getting under eye circles and bags or not being able to pay attention for too long, you're more than likely not getting enough sleep at night. Coming from a nighttime owl, I do most of my sleeping at night but enjoy a nap during the day. Although for my schedule, it's important that I prioritize sleep, so I'm actively working to fix this problem.
I currently suffer from lack of sleep. I've been able to fix this problem in the past and have experienced the symptoms, so I know I'll be able to turn this around.
Sleep is important and we need it to function. Without it, we can't focus on things and aren't able to concentrate or comprehend anything.
3. Having too much to do is overbearing.
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash
When I say this, what I mean is that a list of things needs to be accomplished one at a time. We're humans, we only have two hands and 10 fingers, and we can't do everything at once.
The trouble that can be caused here is mental breakdowns, panic attacks or anxiety attacks. Sometimes on the job, in class or in public. Having had it happen to me, it's not a pleasant experience and can be slightly embarrassing. It can also cause breakouts of acne or cold sores. Don't let this happen. Prioritize and go at each day as it comes to you.
It doesn't matter what age we are, mental health breaks are important for everyone. Even people in full-time jobs need breaks because their workload and energy levels after a long day are high and low. If you're a student as am I, making sure to set time aside for relaxation and redemption is a very good idea. It will help mentally, physically and emotionally. Emotions are involved and invested in everything we do. Don't let yourself stoop down to the rock bottom level. Take control and keep yourself in line.