As much of a bop as the "Mamma Mia!" song "Take A Chance On Me" is, it's time to change the tune and take a chance on yourself.
We spend so much of our lives hoping and dreaming for something amazing to happen when really, amazing things are happening every day and we're just not going after them.
This is something that took me a little while to figure out, but once I did things started looking up.
Putting yourself out there is the first step, but only so much will come from it if you don't go after what you want. Who cares if you mess up or "fail", because is there really such thing as failure? If you can take something away from the opportunity you took, it doesn't matter how it went because you succeeded.
We can only regret the chances we didn't take, so regret should be our only fear, not the possibility of failure.
When was the last time you wanted to do something but didn't because you didn't let yourself? You can spend all day thinking about what might have happened if you took that chance but you can never know for sure because, that's just it, you didn't take it. If you're spending most of your time talking yourself out of doing things that have the potential to positively affect your life then you're not living,
Take a minute to think about where you would be if you hadn't held yourself back so many times. Think of how much you could have grown and experienced but didn't because you didn't let yourself.
Now think of why.
Was it because you didn't believe in yourself?
Did you think it would be too much work?
Were you just plain scared?
The list goes on and on of all the excuses, we tell ourselves to keep us in our safe little bubble, where we float around and watch everyone else do the things we secretly wish we were doing. So, the sooner you pop your bubble and start taking a chance on yourself, the sooner you'll stop having so many regrets.
The only one who can hold you back is you, so stop doing that to yourself. I promise you'll thank me later.