The worst time of the year second only to finals. We all wish they didn't exist but college students around the world are required to do their best to come out alive of the week (likely two weeks) of tests. All while balancing the never-ending assignments, organizational obligations, and social events that you have had prior commitments to.
Midterms suck, and are especially stressful for those of us who can be described as type A, over involved, easily stressed, or all of the above. The hard work and effort that goes into midterms hardly seems worth the pain and tears that we endure. Hey, at least we can take a study break to laugh a little at our own pain.
You realize that midterms are about to start and you aren't prepared at all. It'll all work out though. Maybe.
Every single one of your professors decides to dump a million assignments on top of the exam.
When you accept the fact that your social life is at a standstill for the next 3 weeks.
The first time you go to the library to study for the 6 exams you have to take and realize that you know virtually nothing.
Hour 3 in the library. 9:57 pm.
Hour 6 in the library. 1:02 am.
Going to your professors office hours every day of the week.
Walking home from the library as the sun comes up.
The night before your first batch of midterm exams.
As the professor sets the Scantron down in front of you.
Taking the exam:
But when the exams are finally over!
You come to realize that your GPA might be in shambles after your midterm grades are released.
Congrats on making it out alive! Begin the countdown to finals.
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