Arts Entertainment
What I'm Looking Forward To In 2019
It's the year of Peyton...
08 January 2019
2019 is going to be a great year, and here's what I'm looking forward to:
1. Graduating from college
One more semester, and I'm home freeeeeee
2. Getting accepted to a grad school
Which will probably be the best part of 2019
3. Seeing Shawn Mendes in concert... again!
Ugh, and I get to see it with my favorite person in the whole world... my boyfriend :)
4. Moving into an apartment with my boyfriend
I'm finally moving into an apartment!!!! FINALLY PEOPLE!!!!
5. Getting a dog???????
Shhhhh, don't tell my parents. Oh, hi mom!
6. Starting grad school
I cannot wait to further my education and learn everything there is to know about writing
7. Turning 21
I'm ready to be considered a "real" adult
8. Getting a new car??????
This one is a bit iffy, but it's going to happen. I promise you. NO, I promise me.
I have high hopes for 2019, and so should you. It's the year for all of us.
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