10 Things To Consider When Picking A College
Most times future college students are looking to see if a school offers their major, what their sports teams are like or if it's a campus with greek life, but these 10 things are surprisingly important.
When choosing a school, of course the first things that come to mind that are important are going to be the bigger and well known things. You know, like if their sports teams are good, what the parties are like, and I guess the quality of the education. Although these things are valid and extremely important, there is so much more that should go into the process of choosing your school. For example, when I chose to attend The University of Maine I did so based on their campus, size, and closeness to home.. but the things I didn't consider have become very inconvenient. Of course I like that I'm just a quick car ride home, and paying instate tuition is great, there's so many more relevant things to look into before committing and sending in a deposit.
1. The Weather
This aspect seems like a no brainer. Kids go down south to get away from the cold, or go to the north-east for good skiing. But what comes along with the ability to be a half hour from the slopes. Can your car drive in the snow? Can you drive in the snow? Do you even own a pair of boots?
2. The Parking
As a freshmen, campuses across the country tend to prohibit you from bringing a car to campus, but if you are able to this is an area you really need to think about. Generally parking passes cost money, and they're not exactly cheap. Plus, universities that have limited parking tend to sell more passes than they have parking spots and just hope students come and go enough for it not to be an issue. Believe me, it's usually an issue.
3. The Location
Now, I know I already mentioned this as something kids do look into, but I mean more than just geographically. Take into consideration how far you are from the nearest city, the nearest hospital and you know... if you'll have cell phone service or not.
4. The Campus
Again, everyone tours the campuses they like and look for the most beautiful one. But how beautiful would the campus look if you had a 15 minute walk from your dorm to your classes, and a 10 minute transition to get to the other side of campus. Make sure it's something you're prepared to do.
5. The Housing
Dorms are usually a quick stop to a staged room on a campus tour, but what are they really like? What happens if housing is only an option your first year, or not even offered at all? Keep in mind where you'll be living once you're unable to live on campus anymore, because this could be a huge game changer.
6. The Graduation Rate
As acceptance letters are coming back and students are making deposits the popular "rate" that is searched is an acceptance rate, but what about after that? Do people decide to stay? Do they transfer? Do they hate it so much they drop out and never finish? Again... something to consider.
7. The Food
The day you tour a college you're likely to get a food voucher to the nicest place on campus... or maybe even somewhere that's not on campus. But what about the dining hall closest to your dorm? Burnt grilled cheese and ramen noodles really can only get you so far.
8. The Student-to-Faculty Ratio
At first, you might think "does this really matter" and the answer is 100% whole heartedly, yes. You'll thank me for this when you show up to your first 100 level class with more kids in a lecture hall than went to your entire high school.
9. The Clubs and Organizations
Although having a limited number of options might not sway your decision in another way, it's still so important to understand the culture of the school around you. To be able to surround yourself with other students and truly get the full experience.
10. The Social Life
Honestly, I told myself I wasn't going to go here but... it's college. You want the ability to live it up, or not...depending on your interests you need to make sure the social life fits your needs.
Choosing a college can be difficult, and at times I'm sure you'll feel that your decision is swayed by much larger factors like choices of majors or financial cost. And although it may seem like you don't have the opportunity to put these 10 things into consideration, you always can factor them in. There truly is a college out there that is suitable for everyone, and where ever you may end up, usually things will work out. When combining these 10 things with the previously listed "usual" deciding factors I'm sure you'll be able to find the college that fits all of your wants and needs. Take your time, do your research and just breathe, no matter where you end up... you will do great things.