Currently Trending: 5 Stories From The Week Of March 8 To Read Today
A weekly roundup of Odyssey's Currently section.
16 March 2020
Here are the top five pieces you missed from our creators last week:
1. BYU's Same-Sex Relationship Ban Isn't Just Anti-Gay, It's Shamefully Un-Christian
I was reminded of the hypocrisy of these types of Christians when I saw that Brigham Young University has banned same-sex relationships on their campus. They claim that these relationships, "cannot lead to eternal marriage and is therefore not compatible with the principles included in the Honor Code."
2. Tom Hanks And Rita Wilson Have Coronavirus, And They Are Handling It In The Best Way Possible
Don't worry, they are in quarantine and alive!
3. 11 Ways Trump Is Absolutely BOTCHING Handling The Coronavirus Pandemic
By Tyler Lyman
From xenophobia to blabbering lies, it's been a trip.
4. Which Events Have Been Canceled Or Postponed Because Of The Coronavirus
Stay up to date on all major events being canceled due to the spread of the coronavirus.
5. 13 Celebrities You Didn't Know STILL Support Donald Trump For President In 2020
By Tyler Lyman
Who knew that Dennis Rodman supported Donald Trump?
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