Syllabus Week, As Told By Tina Belcher From "Bob's Burgers"
Tina Belcher from "Bob's Burgers" gets sylly.
27 January
Pacific Standard
Ahhh syllabus week. We have spent weeks home from school for winter break and now it is time to return to college. Syllabus week may be the best week of the semester. Classes usually let out extremely early and all professors do is go over their syllabus. Here is what you may experience during syllabus week as told by Tina from "Bob's Burgers."
1. When you finally get to see your friends.
2. Waking up and getting to your first class like:
3. Walking into class and trying to impress the teacher.
4. Sitting through class listening to the professor read the syllabus when you're fully capable of reading.
5. When your professor says, "I take attendance."
6. Finally getting to use the gym at school again and scoping out guys.
7. Trying to nap before going out, but not being able to because you're so excited.
8. Going a little too hard at the bars, but not caring.
9. Seeing someone cute when you're out and trying to get back in the swing of things.
10. Waking up with a killer hangover, but getting put together to do it all again.
It's time to get "sylly", best of luck.
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